Episode 78

Nisu Patel - January 23rd, 2021


January 23rd, 2021

46 mins 8 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Thank you again for allowing me to restore honor to my parents. The Lord has shown such mercy and kindness to me in this process of changing my heart, truly it was used for good.

Here is what I would request to be included in the podcast description:
Before you listen to this message, God convicted Nisu that it would be essential for you to know the immense blessing He has provided Nisu through His parents.

Nisu's parents worked their whole lives, enduring hardships Nisu has never known, to raise their sons in a country of freedom. They sacrificed more than their children could ever count. They exemplified patience, mercy, kindness, and loyalty to children who could not have been more undeserving of those graces.

It was the very character of Nisu's parents that allowed him to grow up in the United States, to go to college, and to meet the man who would come to lead him to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was Nisu's parents who deserve great honor, for through them, he received eternal life.

While they disagree ideologically, they have never ceased to show kindness and the tender love of a parent. Praise God for allowing Nisu to be a part of this family.

I pray this also stirs your heart to thankfulness for your parents, and to seek to honor them as often as you are given the opportunity. May the Lord be glorified in this.

Grace and peace to you,